
Why Sedation?

There are many reasons why sedation dentistry is the best option for some of our patients.  Those who have been putting off dental treatment due to dental anxiety, patients with extreme tooth sensitivity or a strong gag reflex are just some examples.  Some patients have decreased sensitivity to anesthetics, physical or cognitive special needs that also may require some form of sedation. 

Sedation Requirements for all levels of sedation:

  • Sedation consultation at our office.  This is scheduled first and completed prior to treatment.  Sedation consultations do not guarantee a patient will be approved for any level of sedation. 
  • Driver who will remain in the office during the appointment. This is not needed for the sedation consultation but is necessary for the day of treatment.  We have special parking, a wheelchair ramp and designated exit for your privacy. 
  • Sedation deposit paid to schedule any treatment with sedation. 
  • Signed sedation and treatment consent 1 full business day prior to sedation and treatment.
  • Pre-payment of all treatment and sedation costs 1 full business day prior to sedation and treatment.
  • All levels of sedation require some form of fasting, please follow the doctors recommendations. 
  • NOTE: Without payment in full or signed consents 1 or more business days in advance, treatment will be cancelled.  Please visit your patient portal  to make a payment. 

What Sedation options are available at Apex?

During your sedation consultation, the doctor will review your medical history and determine which level(s) of sedation you may be eligible for.  Not all patients are eligible for any or all levels of sedation dentistry. 

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is a minimal sedation technique that involves inhaling a gas mixture (nitrous oxide and oxygen) through a mask placed over the nose.  Nitrous Oxide is commonly known as happy gas or laughing gas.  Giving Nitrous Oxide is a way to help reduce anxiety and it can help patients feel relaxed and calm during dental procedures.  Nitrous Oxide does not require an extensive amount of recovery time.  Note:  6 hours of fasting is required for nitrous oxide. 

Children under the age of 6 are not eligible for treatment with nitrous oxide.  Not all providers will administer nitrous oxide.  

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral Conscious Sedation is a drug-induced state of reduced awareness and decreased ability to respond.  Oral conscious sedation is not sleep. It is sometimes called “twilight sleep” because it creates a state of short-term amnesia. You may fall in and out of consciousness during the procedure but can be easily awakened. It will wear off in the first few hours after the procedure, but it Is important to note that it could take a full 24 hours to properly recover from anesthesia.   Note:  fasting is required starting at midnight the night prior to treatment. 

Patients must be at least 13 years of age to be considered for this type of sedation.  These types of appointments are currently scheduled on Tuesday mornings at 8:30am.  Dr. Jordan has a special license for this type of sedation and he is the only provider at our office that performs oral conscious sedation. 

IV Sedation

IV Sedation is the deepest form of sedation used by our dental providers. Patients are in a state of sleep, relaxation, and comfort. Our office uses Safe Smile Sedation.  This is a 3rd party that separates billing and sedation services so that patients can have a deeper level of sedation within our office.  No scheduling for treatment occurs until full sedation services are paid to Safe Smile.  These appointments have the longest lead times for scheduling and have the highest fees.  Note: fasting is required and patients are asked to follow the directions given by Safe Smile Sedation. 

Younger children can be considered for this level of sedation.  Safe Smile and their dental anesthesiologists make the determination for eligibility. 

What happens after sedation?

Patients are asked to follow post op instructions that were given to their driver by the dental assistant.  There are also videos to watch regarding your specific treatment, see the website address at the top of your post op instructions.  Note:  Our office performs treatment needed inside the tooth.  A patient will always have to return to their general dentist for a final restoration.  This restoration type (crown, filling, bridge, etc) is determined by the patient’s general dentist.  This should be part of a treatment plan at the general dentist’s office prior to scheduling with Apex Endodontics.  If any patient feels they need sedation services for treatment at their general dentist, please discuss this during your sedation consultation at Apex Endodontics.